IMPORTANT reminder

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    • #46193
      Admin SME

      Please be aware that if you use the MK web for any activity connected to a COMPANY, you do NOT classify as a “retail client” but as a “corporate client” instead,
      meaning that you HAVE to click on the MK web for “corporate clients”.

      It does not matter whether you use the MK web for hedging fx exposure, or as an additional tool for analysis in the context of any trading activities,
      if a company benefits from your MK web use in one way or another, you are a “corporate client” and hence cannot benefit from the low retail price for the MK web.
      In case that you accidentally classified as “retail”, please send an Email to [email protected] as soon as you can, with “corporate” in the header.

      If you subscribed as “retail client” but you actually use the MK web for corporate purposes, you may become subject to a lifetime ban or other consequences.
      Play fair as we do, do not spoil it for everyone.

      SME FX

    • #46211

      If me paying for the video course using a limited company bank account prompted this, then I am very much a retail trader, but do like to pay for as many things as I can with business account (which was set up to for me to take payment for contracts working onboard seismic survey vessels), such as ‘training courses’. Or other tax deductable business subscriptions, for when I trial the the MK stream…..which will happen just as soon as I can decipher the video course, and get the videos in the right order…..then go back and scour through the free material for any of the beginner stuff that I missed.

    • #46302
      Admin SME

      Hi Math,

      no, it does not seem to be you. Paying from a corporate account is fine as long as the MK web is not used for the corporation. Doing FTMO or another seeding firm does not qualify as corporate, however, this could change in the future (in case that SME would cooperate with a seeding firm). But we can see people working at funds signing as “retail”. That is not right.

      SME FX

    • #46309

      Full disclosure regarding my ‘funded’ FTMO status.

      I have been funded 4 months now, getting over the finish line each month with varying degrees of beer money profit on a £10K account, which is really just a £1K account, cos that is all they allow you to lose.

      Although I believe my status places me in the top 4% of all traders who attempt the FTMO evaluations, I am still very much in test pilot mode, finding out that whilst I can give myself a solid pass mark for TA, I have to give myself a fail for discipline and temperament.

      ‘Prop Funded’ or not, I am every bit a retail trader who cannot consider my forex efforts as anything beyond hobby grade for now….I suspect that majority of ‘Prop Firm’ traders that subscribe to the MK Live/Web streams will be in a similar position……(although perhaps with the balls to have just went for a larger sized account)…..charging these guys a corporate rate, would surely put most off the idea.

    • #46456
      Admin SME

      As stated, you are fine,
      the same goes for other retail traders, this includes funded traders.

      However, again, everyone reading this; please play fair and follow the rules.
      If you work for a fund and are trading professionally, you classify as CORPORATE, not retail. It is not acceptable for us to have a big fund benefiting from our technology for GBP 54 per month.

      Thank you,
      SME FX

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