Q1: Is forex manipulated?

Yes, the entire foreign exchange market is highly manipulated; this is conducted via a cartel structure which uses the so-called “smart money algorithms” or “SM Algos” in order to implement dynamics such as “stop hunts”, “position-runs” and many other (proven) phenomena.

Q2: Are ‘stop hunts’ real?

Yes, the phenomenon of “stop hunts” is very real. The SM Aglos are hunting price zones where stops of the “dumb money” (DM) accumulate. However, they do so subject to certain conditions; this is where the market causality is the ONLY approach that shows in detail how this unfolds and which factors the SM prioritizes. Djamal has publicly exposed hese dynamics over many years on youtube and elsewhere.

Q3: What is the ‘market causality’?

The ‘market causality’ introduced by Djamal Adib in 2016 is the ONLY approach in forex which takes into account ALL the mechanics of the SM Algorithms and which goes FAR BEYOND “stop hunting”. For instance, Djamal introduced the so-called “DM position hunting”. Without understanding and incorporating this particular dynamic, the knowledge of “stop hunting” is almost useless for the buy-side trader.
There are other, fully original and proven dynamics, such as the “option strike targets” or the different TYPES of stops (i.e. MTS, STS, LTS).
There is no other public approach in forex which entails such a complete and coherent approach to the markets. An MCA trader is able to predict price moves by identifying clearly defined setups in the markets. For that, he uses the ‘leading’ tools, such as the ‘MK web’.

Q4: What is the ‘MK web’?

The ‘MK web’ is the main solution we offer our users. It entails the price charts of all major FX markets and time frames and allows the user to avoid falling victim to the SM Algo manipulation as well as to trade the market causality outright. The screenshots “auto-update” every few seconds and currently cover:

– Gold
– Silver
– Bitcoin

This on the M30, H1, H4 and DC time frames.

It is pointless to simply analyze “naked price charts”. One NEEDS to SEE the mechanics in order to be able to trade these. For example, an “option strike target” CANNOT be derived in any way from the pure price charts. Do not believe anyone who tries to convince you otherwise.
The MK web is based on a complex architecture, making use of tools such as “data filtering” etc. which allow the trader to ultimately see the information on the charts, this in a ‘leading’ and intuitive fashion.
The MK web may be the closest tool to the “Holy Grail” you will ever come across. It requires the trader to properly understand the market causality and to have sufficient “tape-reading” experience, however, it is the only tools which gives the trader access to a proven edge via superior tools. We may not be “at par” with the SM Algos, however, the MK web enables us to have a fair chance to trade profitably, this despite the dominant, algorithmic manipulation in FX.

Q5: How do I get started?

It is advised to first watch the FREE youtube videos, to then watch the course videos (one-time payment of GBP 165), to then subscribe to the MK web (GBP 60 per month), to FIRST trade on DEMO for a few weeks, and to then go live (first with low leverage). If additional help is needed, one can subscribe to the MK blog (another GBP 65 per month) since there one can see Djamal´s LIVE market analysis.

Q6: What is the ‘MK video course’ about?

The ‘MK video course” contains the ca. 20% of the market causality which have not been made public. In particular, it entails a full explanations of the various “meta-levels”. In order to become a “complete” market causality trader, one needs to fully understand these meta-levels. It is necessary, so do not skip that step.

Q7: What is the ‘MK blog’ about?

The ‘MK blog’ entails Djamal’s LIVE analysis of the markets covered. There, he posts screenshots in realtime with comments and also predicitions. Note that we never give any “investment advice”, the blog is there in case you want to make sure that your own analysis has been correct; it was NOT designed to be used for trade instructions. You are responsible for any trades you may or may not do, based on the analysis you performed. Also note that other essential factors such as a reasonable risk policy, a stable trade psychology, an adequate setup etc. are all absolutely NECESSARY in order to succeed in FX.

Q8: How long does it take to become a successful MCA trader?

This depends. Some users are fast, others are rather slow. As a general rule, one should expect to practice and study for ca. 12 months before going live and becoming profitable. We are not selling anyone any “get rich quick” dreams. Last but not least, 12 months is rather “fast” since most FX traders spend years in the game before becoming consistently profitable (read “Market Wizards”, for example).

Q9: Can I use the forum?

Yes, you can use the forum. Note that there is a “Commercial section” of the forum which is only visible to subscribers of the MK web.

Q10: What is ‘SME FX’ and ‘MCA’?

Our project is known as “SME FX”, that was formerly also the name of our youtube channel (and still is the name of our website). Recently, we use the term “MCA” a lot which stands for “market causality approach”. Djamal is also referred to as the “MCA Trader”. So we refer to our community often as “MCA traders”.

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