Face-to-face message

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    • #84104
      Admin SME

    • #84108
      Shalva Kutelia

      Hi Djamal, I’ve been listening to what you’ve been saying in previous videos as well as this one in particular and I’ll be honest there are things I’ve been wanting to share with you in response to why more people don’t see the value in this project. If you feel like you’d want a totally different perspective I’m the right person, please let me know if you’re interested, if not that is ok. 🙏

    • #84119
      Jorge Luces

      Big true Djamal at the beginning of the video, the passion if very important, in my case, made me never gave up despite the losses and setbacks.

      Cheers to all of you who are at that point, keep going

    • #84198

      Hi Djamal, keep on doing what you are doing. Everything is about the money and who creates the money and why. The truth is a scares commodity and Djamal speaks the truth.

    • #84309

      Thanks for sharing.
      Having recently re-discovered your service, coming to the website it does appear to lack focus with so many ‘Comin Soon’ items.
      I think it’s generally better to put concepts out for discussion, such as in this Forum, then go live once ready.
      The current appearance gives a scattered appearance, while there are already areas such as the Pricing page that could well do with better explanations, as I posted about elsewhere.

      This confirmed one niggling question I’ve had for a while, that I’m better off not using TP/SL when placing large trades.
      I have often wondered how different the market would be if nobody used TP/SL.. 🤔
      Do you know if using “stealth” utilities such as this would work, or can the brokers still just read the data off their server?

      Also curious which broker you trust to hold such a Balance and not run off with it.. 😄

    • #84333
      Admin SME

      Hi Drayzen,

      “stealth orders” can be useful if one trades a bigger size and therefore needs make sure that these positions do not get “tracked”. However, ultimately, there is no hiding from the big boys since all orders end up with the “liquidity providers”.

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