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    • #3079

      I made a switch to CTrader some time ago and find the data appears to be much more ‘interfered with’, that may not be the correct term but is all that came to mind.

      There still appears to be delays and reluctance to implement the precise tools though which makes me wonder if they are controlled by regulators as to not allow ‘profitable tools’. Regardless I do not use any of their tools anyway and am glad to have learnt C coding.

      Combined with a good broker you can get back to trading the market as apposed to battling manipulators and brokers.

    • #3132

      CTrader have just updated the desktop platform again with some simple but basic features.

      I would urge anyone who uses the platform to use the ‘vote’ for suggestions to get features added. They appear to be listening to suggestions now.

      They still have some very, very annoying bugs which I think are windows related, but it appears to be using the best of the worst to enjoy a hobby.

    • #66392

      I am using this tee too. Last very long so much so until i cannot remember when i bought it. It is made of flexible material which can bend but cannot break.

    • #66509

      Yes, I tested cTrader before. But still love my good old MT4. 😉

      MQL should really create “MT6” at some point which should be compatible with both, MT4 AND MT5 indis, scripts, EAs. Let us see whether they will do the right thing.


    • #83243

      I find it highly unlikely that there is any price manipulation, given that unlike MTx, the cTrader infrastructure is operated by Spotware.
      While MTx servers are run by brokers directly, so they have direct control to pull whatever tricks they like with network and price tampering.
      I’m waiting for an email reply before signing up, though due to this I’m hoping that if there is not already cTrader indicators for MK, that they will be provided.

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