Reply To: Accuracy of MK-indicator and Volume bars and positions?


And here is a short GBPUSD trade that I had lined up, with the entry fine tuned to my own best approximation of the MK MT Short SL Tranche….(normally I would have just hit that on the good old 61.8% level, and would have gotten filled).

So the need to know about the accuracy of the levels in the MK charts, is clear……

…….and I prefer not to talk about the long trade I hit, ‘back up to’ to the Stop SL level, convinced that these short SL levels were yet to be taken out, and to give me my main trade it’s fill.

Well, everyday is a school day. I think it safe to say, that traders using the MK streams, need to take these levels as approximations and NOT as concrete levels representing the true foreign exchange order levels. I am very open to being persuaded otherwise, but all the evidence points to this being the fact of the matter.

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