Reply To: Few questions about the video course


Perhaps he has a deal with a ‘special one’, who does indeed have a data feed showing a forex trading desk’s FULL orderflow information, to the extent of even showing where the SL orders are.

At the end of the day, IF he can sit and profitably trade these coloured order bars on the right hand side of the screen, then they must be pertaining to something relevant.

Of course, I am yet to come to any sort of conclusion on anything here, but I saw a few of Djamal’s videos, and what he describes about how the markets are moved around I instinctively know, is what it likely all boils down to, the majority of the time….so paid for the video course to at least check out what it is all about….a video course I have not yet been given access to…….

…….and the question remains… come some retail trader has access to as privileged insider information as where STOP orders are?

If everyone could have this sort of information on their screens, the game would soon be up (providing it was accurate).

In the financial world, everything costs money, much more than £50 a month … I guess. There are many market wizards/educators who claim they possess something that others don’t so I am always a bit skeptical.
I don’t say it’s a scam but I can’t find any proof, like brokerage statements or live videos on YT where you can clearly see that he is trading on REAL account, not a playback demo, because his videos are uploaded not streamed.

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