Reply To: Trades ending week 20/01/2023

Tim Tim

Trade 3:

Trade: Short GBPUSD
Trade type: 4H range rotation + stop run Date:16.01.2023
Trade idea: Move down to take lower MT stops and complete range rotation
Y-axis PB: Not clear (neutral) 60%
X-axis PB: New longs entering the market( positive) 100%
Net DM: No squeezes short decreasing longs just spriking up (neutral-positive) 75%
Net T-in-prof: Longs in profit for a long time(positive)100%
Lev Positions: New leveraged longs(positive) 100%
1D chart: All MA below price(positive)100%
Where in range: Very top of range and just tool local high(positive)100%
Trade Score: 6.35/7 90% (high confidence trade)

Entry: 1.21894
SL: 1.23222(in middle of LT stops)
TP1:1.21000(at the lower MT stops)
TP2:1.20200(at the low of the range) TP3: (To be determind or triggered by DM switch)



Trade Closed: 1.2322
Outcome: New longs came in and squeeze continued


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