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MK web “wish list”:

Viewing 39 reply threads
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    • #58554
      Admin SME

      Feel free to post any “wishes” reg. future versions of the MK web here. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to implement everything, however, we will look at suggestions if these make sense.

    • #59478
      Wesley Otto


      Could you maybe look at a private Discord channel for MK Web or similar.


    • #59564
      Timothy Shaker

      Absolutely love the blog it’s great and educational
      Is there anyway you could setup SMS alerts when you post
      It would help a lot on current market signals

    • #59623

      Whenever I open a chart to full screen I end up having to collapse it twice. I end having to go back after and reset lay out and it kind distracts from my thought. not sure if anyone else is having same issue. It would be nice to be able to just collapse chart back into lay out.

    • #59734

      Never mind. Was user error.

    • #59769
      Admin SME


    • #59773

      Would love to see BTC, ETH 30M, 1H, 4H , 1day charts
      Would also love to try to get the resolution much better because sometimes its a bit hard to read.
      Would love videos on how u study the charts , which timeframes u study first and how ur process of taking a trade looks like from top to bottom.
      Just recently became a member and I know its no big sample BUT I have placed like 10 trades based on this and 8 r profitable 🙂
      Thanks for everything !!!

    • #59778

      I also think an alert option for ur blog posts would be great and also I think it would be highly beneficial for all of us to strat a thread where everyone can post their trades so that others can give opinions on the reasoning for the trade. We could all learn together.

      • #59897
        Tim Tim

        I tried this but it only last a couple weeks and then people stop posting. Might be worth another try.

    • #59955

      Are the Position Amounts set a key or rather important levels on the chart? I’m wondering if it would be worth while to expand those levels a fraction in order to better see when ignorant money is entering market and react quicker. Of course to achieve this you’d need to minimize other areas. Just a thought.

    • #61299
      Jamie Himsley

      The Biggest issue with trying to formulate a way to trade using MK is that there is no way to back test with real, correct data. In my opinion no one will ever be able to formulate a trading model with this until that happens.
      Djmal built the system so know its intricacies and can make it work.
      I do not believe that anyone else can be consistently profitable with this until we can back test different ideas and trading models.
      If you want this platform to grow and prosper then this needs to happen.

      • #62134
        Admin SME

        Hi Jamie,

        I guess the youtube channel SME FX (which Djamal is running since 2018) contains all the “backtests” you need. There are hundreds of live trade videos on there, live market analysis and a lot more.
        For example, if you want to, go back to 2018 and watch the live trades from then. There is even a playlist on the channel. You can literally watch how everything unfolded back then, and how it does now.
        However, an easier way is to probably study the video course, to then do some demo trading with the MK web and then to go live once you have proven yourself that you got it.

        SME FX

    • #61403
      Wesley Otto

      Hi Jamie,

      You need to work through the video course. The MK Web is amazing, the information on the live charts is all you need. I have been through a couple of communities; this is by far the best.


      • #62166

        Thank you Wesley,

        yes, I agree.
        Of course, every individual has an own approach to learning and that is absolutely fine.

        All the best!

    • #61413
      Peter Tree

      Please add a section to report problems/issues.
      This morning all charts are offline.
      Never sure where or how is the best place to report these things?

      • #62171

        This has been fixed already, thx.


    • #61414
      Jamie Himsley

      Hi Wesley
      I’ve been following Djamal sines 2019, I have been through the video course. He is a very passionate guy and I fully believe that he makes his system work. For him.
      I am a very experienced trader and fully profitable, and I trade using SMC.
      Unfortunately tho it is not possible to make profitable trade decisions using the MKWeb for 99% of people purely because a system cannot be back tested. I’ve been here a long time and the same answer by given time after time. “Go thru the video course”
      This is a “wish list” thread and I have stated what I feel would be the most beneficial thing to happen for this “community” to prosper.
      For people to be just told you need to go thru the video course blindly is uneducated and condescending, not helpful in anyway.
      I can absolutely guarantee you cannot list the trades you make here before time and show how your trade decisions are profitable using the MK web alone. Until you are able to do that then it’s best not to comment

      • #62172

        Hi Jamie,

        please see my comments below.

        All the best,

    • #61517

      Hi Jamie, I was also thinking of backtesting but in my mind there were way too many variables for this to even be considered. I am probably wrong.
      I also have to agree about the sort of advice that says “go thru video course”….its useless 🙁
      Do u happen to know if there is a video where he explains the histograms properly and where we can understand the number on each scale in order to make some better sense of it.
      I have watched all vids in the course + most vids on youtube and couldnt find much and eventhough I asked in forum noone really replies on this :(((
      If there is anything major that u love to use from Djamal’s indicators, maybe like in confluence with ur strategy pls share with us.

      Thanks !

    • #61582
      Jamie Himsley

      Hi aj

      So unfortunately it is impossible to back test as we cannot scroll back through mk history and correlate price/position bars with market price action. Don’t get me wrong in no way is this a scam and Djamal is 100% legit and I fully respect what he has created. But for a person that has not created the system/indicator and does not completely understand the inner workings of it it is impossible to trade and gain a consistent edge. I wish it was because even if you could only use it to give you a daily bias with 70/80 % accuracy it would be incredible. As it is, to make a trade play out the R-R will not be in your favour as stops have to be to large. you could hedge a position and close the negative hedge once your absolutely sure price is running for the nearest stops but you could trade any system like that. I have 12 years trading experience and it is my full time occupation. I wish there was a way to back test because there is defiantly something here but it needs to be improved, scales need to be transparently explained in detail and Djamal needs to to live trade sessions real time fully explaining what he is seeing that gives him confidence to risk money. This would give people confidence in the system they are investing their money into and this community would grow exponentially .

    • #61720

      Hi aj

      So unfortunately it is impossible to back test as we cannot scroll back through mk history and correlate price/position bars with market price action. Don’t get me wrong in no way is this a scam and Djamal is 100% legit and I fully respect what he has created. But for a person that has not created the system/indicator and does not completely understand the inner workings of it it is impossible to trade and gain a consistent edge. I wish it was because even if you could only use it to give you a daily bias with 70/80 % accuracy it would be incredible. As it is, to make a trade play out the R-R will not be in your favour as stops have to be to large. you could hedge a position and close the negative hedge once your absolutely sure price is running for the nearest stops but you could trade any system like that. I have 12 years trading experience and it is my full time occupation. I wish there was a way to back test because there is defiantly something here but it needs to be improved, scales need to be transparently explained in detail and Djamal needs to to live trade sessions real time fully explaining what he is seeing that gives him confidence to risk money. This would give people confidence in the system they are investing their money into and this community would grow exponentially .

      Agree. WOuld love some live trading sessions and a video properly explaining scales and all details in the chart.
      I am so frustrated tbh because just as u say, i feel its smth here, and I dont use it properly.

    • #62139
      Admin SME

      Some traders have posted their live analysis before:

      Trades Week Ending 13/1/2023

    • #62140
      Admin SME


      the right way of learning MK trading is:

      1. UNDERSTAND what you see on the charts (watch the respective YT playlists).
      2. UNDERSTAND all background info (YT playslists).
      3. UNDERSTAND how different time frames interact (video course, meta-levels).
      4. WATCH some of the live trades from the YT channel.
      5. TAPE READ (watch the MK web for some time, such as 2 weeks).
      6. Demo trade.
      7. Go live.

      All this is not done within a month. FX requires dedication.
      Here also some guidance videos:

      Older version:

      Trade setups:

    • #62152

      “Would love to see BTC, ETH 30M, 1H, 4H , 1day charts”

      Ok, will try to add some of these to MK web v11.


    • #62153

      “Just recently became a member and I know its no big sample BUT I have placed like 10 trades based on this and 8 r profitable 🙂
      Thanks for everything !!!”

      Well done.


    • #62199

      Hi Jamie, hi AJ.

      Questions / assistance / help
      First of all, I believe it is always a good idea to ask questions. Of course you can do so within this forum (publicly, or within the “Commercial section” only).
      If you already worked a lot on the MK and you got stuck somewhere, you can also send an Email to “[email protected]”, just put ‘questions for Djamal’ in the header. In particular if you have gone through all advised steps already or you are trying to match your own system with the MK etc. (such things could maybe require some “customized” comments from my side, in particular if you got “stuck” somewhere).
      Also, do not be ashamed in any way for asking for some help if you went through all “standard” steps already and still need to “connect two dots”. As it hopefully comes through, I am not only passionate about FX itself but also about helping traders to find a way that works for them, in particular if these are people who have already done their “homework” (one cannot really hide whether the homework was done or not).
      I will always try to give answers and pointers, at times, I may choose not to for specific reasons. However, generally speaking, I am sure that I can be of help (I think AJ is rather new while Jamie is part of the fam for longer).

      The facts / other traders / learning styles
      Please note that since this project runs for a few years already, I have at this stage interacted with all kinds of different traders. I learned along the way that every individual has a somewhat “own” way of learning. For example, I have seen people who approached the MK even from a purely “intuitive” perspective, so using it without even understanding some of the basics but still being profitable. That is one one extreme side of the spectrum. On the other side of the spectrum I have seen people who first want to understand every single detail. I personally would recommend to at least study the advised “minimum” before purely tape reading and then going live. But well, if something works for you, then it works for you I guess.
      While we do not have thousands of clients, we had a wide range of users, ranging from small retails traders passing their prop firm challenge to fund managers in London. I do not have precise numbers but I would estimate that ca. 75% of clients have success after around a year, with this value increasing the more time passes. It should also be noted that people use the MK in all kinds of different ways, some use it to decide which bots to activate or de-activate, others manually trade the known setups, others just trade long-term trends (squeezes) etc. There is a wide range. Remember, the MK IS the market, not a “system”.

      Trader interaction
      Obviously, there is a negative correlation between a trader’s “success” and his “interaction with others”. I personally believe that trading is a “lonely” activity and this cannot really be changed.
      However, we still do have the “live chat” option on the MK livestream and there was a time where a group of traders used it a lot.
      Experienced traders know, there is little value of interacting with other traders live, because “entries” and “exits” are just part of the overall equation. Other factors such as “risk management” (trade stops, equity stops, hedging etc.), “trade management” (i.e. scaling etc.), “trading styles” (specific setups) etc. are very important and differ among traders.
      Sometimes I get an Email from a client who never interacted before but just says “thank you, this really helped my trading”. And I know that these are the ones who followed the steps and made the MK work for them. And they took it on their “own hands”, not needing anyone else’s help or input. However, as said before, everyone is different.

      I am confident that I have been pretty “structured” in my approach. Of course, maybe I made a new version of the “orientation video” etc., however, everything has been laid out as a “step-by-step” approach. Also, if it is your intent to trade in a similar way as I traded in youtube for years, then obviously it would make sense to really take that guidance seriously.
      You do not need to watch all 880 videos. Be efficient and serious when it comes to your studies. I have seen people going overboard, but also other ones not even bothering to do the absolute minimum. Well, I guess the principle “garbage in, garbage out” has some merit here.

      Experienced traders
      Interestingly, if you are a rather experienced trader already, it can often be that you are in a worse position as compared to one who starts from scratch. The reason for that is that you may need to “unlearn” certain things which you assumed before. For example, previous assumptions you made for price moves would need to be “corrected / updated”. Also, if you are trying to “blend” an existing system with the MK, then you can become confused because for instance you will see signals which pointed in the direction of DM positions, but worked out (DM tolerance), or you may see signals pointing away fro targets etc. That is why it is important to prepare well for “merging” a system with the market structure. Again, if you got stuck, you can send me an Email with your strategy and setups and I can try to give you guidance with regard to what factors you should pay particular attention to.

      Proven edge
      The MK is currently the only tool which allows a “leading” approach to trading forex, taking into account the actual market structure instead of any “fairy tales”. By now, many people have seen, used and exploited that exclusive approach. If there would be no value in the MK, then this project would have been stopped a while ago. Instead, we had things such as cyber attacks (even placing the website offline for a few days) and other events.
      Still, every individual traders needs to find “her” or “his” way within the MK, at least to some degree. Some people just love H4 reversals / DM switches and leave the rest. Others love IR stop hunts. Others love squeezes etc. Some traders trade short-term, others long-term. I would suggest; understand and study “my” approach as documented, then “adjust” it to YOUR approach to the market. This is a bit similar to a musician first learning a well-known musicians playing style, but then changing it to his or her own personality.

      Timelapse / “backtests”
      In terms of “backtests” or ways to speed up “tape reading”, we have made “time lapse videos” before. We were recently considering to do some newer ones. However, please be aware that these videos just show you how the MK unfolded, in the same way you would see it live, just with “time” being “faster”.

      I hope that this helps.
      Happy trading!

      PS: I believe that this thread was meant for technical improvements in the MK web only, but anyways.

    • #62303
      Jamie Himsley

      Hi Djamal

      I appreciate the response thankyou.
      it will always come down to the individual trader using their own approach to a system/model to make it their own style that will work for them. However there is no way to gain confidence in the MK web. As much as I wish there was, there are just to may variables that make it untradable. Resolution is poor, scales are not explained and at no point has anyone ever sat down and attempted a live trading session where it is clearly show what you are seeing in MK web that will enable you to risk money on a trade in real time as it happens. Doesn’t even have to be live, demo is fine. Unfortunately people need to be taken step by step (me included) not once have I ever heard a response to what defines long ,medium and short term stops and the question has been asked may times, we just have to take it at face value that it is what you say it is. I have been live trading for 12 years and I make a lot of money and mainly trade SMC. Even as a tool for definitive bias this would be invaluable but you cant even do that successfully with it. I am not posting here out of ego or trying to say this is bullshit, I imagine this is your lifes work and I would really really love this to work for other people just as much as you would I imagine. There are too many unanswered questions and the response is always ‘go thru the video course’. People cannot learn to trade by watching youtube videos. you have to backtest!! and then backtest some more!
      you have spent a very large portion of time creating the MKweb and it deserves to succeed, but it will only do that if you find a way to teach it to people successfully. Telling people to go thru you videos is not the way, If it was you would be inundated with subscriptions by now.
      Do some videos showing your trade selection live using data from the MKweb that is available to everyone else. Give people confidence in what they are looking at so they can evaluate their own trading decisions instead of just guessing, which is basically what we have to do now. If you can prove me wrong I would be over the moon because I really want this to succeed for you. It deserves to succeed and I mean this with upmost sincerity.

    • #62391

      “As much as I wish there was, there are just to may variables that make it untradable.”

      Hi Jamie, I do not think that there are that many variables actually. Also, market modes and setups are quite repetitive. For example, look at USDJPY last year. It was in a longer-term trend up because of the clear squeeze against the shorties. In such a market mode, you can even take trend trades and just ride them, or, you can just trade several times per day in the same direction, up against the squeeze. Then, once there was a proper DM switch, the market again entered in a more “rangy” mode with H4 reversals. These phases change slowly, over weeks.
      Some market phases can be easier than others, of course. For example, the the DM for whatever reason just keeps on trading in one direction, then you know what the result of that will be.

      If you use SMC stuff, well, then you are trying to blend that approach with the MK, which is very possible. For example, if you trade their “fair value gaps” etc., then trade towards these once the DM is where you want it to be etc. There are many ways.

      Maybe you need to find a way that blends your current approach with the MK? If you want, post your trade examples (or send them via Email) and I try to figure out what the issue could be.

      There are many live trades on youtube, I believe the link was posted again. I have traded live on youtube for years. These videos are still all there, with most going over days. If you go through 20 of these, you will already start to see the same setups again and again, such as IR stop hunts, moves that price in DM etc.

      There are certain details about our tech which are not disclosed publicly because it is our prop. tech. In order to successfully trade the MK, you do not need to know the exact calculation of things such as STS, but you need to understand what they imply for your trading. Some people tried to replicate the MK, this without any success. All indis were designed in a way which are also visually intuitive, for example the length of stops is relevant as is the length of position bars etc.

      My question is, did you understand all the meta-levels?
      Such as Net DM, DC MAs, net loss indi etc.?
      Also, which kind of time frames do you trade?

      All the best,

    • #62410
      Jamie Himsley

      Hi Djamal

      OK so If we approach the MK with the understanding that the BIS algo does two things and two things only, It moves from liquidity pool to liquidity pool and also moves to re balance Imbalances (FVG’s, gaps, volume imbalances etc) That is literally all it does. DM tolerance is actually engineered liquidity and time distortion. The algo can move price without volume behind it, but only in limited expansions and this is done within certain time macros throughout the 3 global trading sessions and is dependant on liquidity within those macros. It cannot see where individual stops are, these are held at broker level and that’s a different subject. what it searches for is liquidity in 90m cycle lookbacks. OHLC is all that is important.
      Stops shown on MK are the amalgamation of different broker feeds that are complied into your INDI which is completely fine and relevant, but for it to be tradable it is vital to understand what stops are likely to be traded in the short term. There are too many variables in price to be able to place a trade towards a stop cloud on the daily for example. you SL would need to be to large to be a worthwhile trade. Blurry lines for stops and position bars are not good enough, there needs to be a scale that gives indication of volume of stops at a specific price level to make a judgment. Granted there are times when you will get a long red stop bar appear and price will trade in the opposite direction but there are just as many equal times where it does not . there is no “edge” with it. I am fully aware of Meta levels but again they do not play out in favour enough times to be consistent. I’M sorry but your live trades on the youtube channel do not show any live trades at all, simply you pointing to the MKweb and saying you’ve done this or done that. you need to show timeframes, entries, SL placement and target in real time. It will never be taken seriously until you do this. I’m sorry that is not what you want to hear.
      I really want to be wrong about this and for you to show me what I’m missing! you are selling people hope and with that they will give you adoration in the hope that you reveal the secret to them to change their lives, if someone has told you they are profitable with the MK i’m afraid that is all they are doing hoping with enough praise you share a secret.
      You have something here for sure but you can do much better with it. Surly you should want to do that?
      I have followed your work for 4 years now and what you’ve tried to do is amazing but for it to be relevant to another person it needs to be improved.
      A workable trade plan for your system should be to indicate a trade based on a 1-2 RR that will complete within the same day, an edge of 50% and that is literally all you need, overnight trades should be avoided as there is imminent risk of a black Swan event at the moment given the geo political climate.
      I really hope this helps because as I keep saying this really does deserve to succeed.

    • #62413

      Hey Djamal, appreciate ur answers as well .
      I understand there are some secret stuff u cant share but I honestly don’t understand the scale of the indicators.
      Also as Jamie is saying, the resolution is poor. I cannot understand sometimes what I am looking at and I am not alone in this issue.
      I would love to understand what 60 on a scale means (I think an explanation for scales for each timeframe would be highly valued by everyone here) , or -5000, longs-4398%, short 788% (no clue what it means) or whatever….u showed those scales, why not explain them ?
      From time to time, try login in to the platform as a client and take look at how the graphs look like for us….they r unreadable at times (I uploaded some pics where I either dont understand the lines like in the btc chart or I cant see the numbers on the indicators….and sadly, at this point even if I were to see the numbers its hard for me to make sense of them ) . For some charts I dont get where Net DM indicator is at ….is it below middle or not (my understand is that this is the most important indicator).
      It is a pity to waste such highly valuable tools for so minor issues IMO.
      I feel like these 2 issues can easily be solved tbh and I for one would be very thankful !

      I am sorry if in any way I sound aggressive or disrespectful. I have nothing but respect for what u do and everyone contributing here. English is not my first language.

      Thanks for all u do !

    • #62425

      Also, I believe that “confidence in the MK” comes from tape reading.

      Did you invest some time into tape reading the MK web?

    • #62426

      Regarding “backtesting”, well, look at the attached picture I made.

      No, the net DM indi does not repaint. And, you can also see all historical PBs in the second histogram (including the ones who left already). The only thing you cannot see anymore is the stops. Now, have a look at that.
      It is not difficult to see what is going on;

      even a squeeze on a day chart leads to clear, PRONOUNCED, price moves against the DM, these over days. You could literally just trade that and skip other setups, if you intend to trade in a “puristic” manner.
      That is very powerful.
      It is pure Gold for any professional trader.

      And of course, everything else; the H4 reversals, intraday stop-hunts etc.:

    • #62429

      “Also as Jamie is saying, the resolution is poor.”

      Hi guys,

      I check whether the resolution can be improved.


    • #62431

      Regarding the scales,
      again looking into the past tells you a lot; let us take GBPUSD as an example. The important part is whether the respective DM flow led to an increase in the Net DM. As you can see, on the day chart, a total DM bar of 215 is already significant. That means when you see a “40 PB” on the H1 chart, you better pay attention. HOWEVER, the DECISIVE factor here is the Net DM indi (that is why it was created). For example, if we are within a squeeze against the DM longies and then a red “40 PB” of the DM shorties come in, this one is fully within the DM tolerance and hence can even win. So that is why we perform multi-timeframe analysis and we also understand that “a trade is not a trade”.
      In “low bias” market phases, put your risk per trade all the way down. In high bias phases (squeezes!), you can go for it. The best traders are highly adaptive and adjust according to the bias. That is where the money is.
      You need to differentiate.
      You cannot just simplify with “I just trade against any PB that comes”. That will NOT work, obviously. A PB is not a PB. But the MK shows you what the situation is overall, so that way you know how to evaluate new DM flow etc.
      It is not rocket science.
      Just accept the market structure as it is. Do not come with own ideas regarding “what needs to be done”, like “today I will look for shorties and trade against them”. Mr. Market decides which setup you can take and which one not. And without the MK you are completely blind. You have NO way of knowing whether overall the DM is long or short.
      You have no way of knowing whether there is a DM switch, or whether the main targets have been cleared, or whether a PB nest needs to be priced in.
      That is why “naked price chart trading” does not really work in the long-run, yes, that includes any SMC. Oh, you see a “change of structure”? Really? Just because there was a deeper pullback? As you know, if then DM shorties come in, the price will again go up etc.
      That is why I recommend to really understand the actual market structure (so the MK) first, the price chart itself then helps a lot but on its own a naked price chart does not really allow you to consistently predict. I believe that this is rather self-explanatory.
      Just be careful to not fall into a situation where “you cannot see the forest because of the trees”. The H1 can be useful, but be aware where we are on the other time frames, near a day chart MA, near a H4 reversal band etc.
      Follow the steps and you will be fine.
      Do not do freestyle stuff (unless you have sufficient experience that is…..then you can start to stretch things a little……like taking a trade against a squeeze here and there etc.).
      If you are still learning, stick to the high bias stuff.
      Yes, that means that you will need to skip a lot of setups, but it is what it is.
      Or, you can sit down and tape read the MK for a few weeks, and this will allow you to internalize well what is going on.
      Again, everyone is a little different.


    • #62433

      Would it help you if I add the current “average line” on the historical PB indi?


    • #62446
      Jamie Himsley

      Hi Djamal
      Regarding the picture you shared, yes in hindsight it looks amazing as does anything or any trading system. but when you start trying to apply the MK to the hard right of the chart this is where it fails. Position bars and stops need to come into the MK indi before price reacts, as it is the come in at the same time, no better than a volume indi. there is no confidence to take a trade, be able to set a stop loss or react to info from the MK. The most useful it is, is to confirm a continuation, but even that is suspect because of, as you your self say, dumb money switch can happen anytime.
      Ok so I’ve given you some insight as to what would help people use the MK effectively, it is completely your choice whether you do this or not, it does not effect me or the way I trade.
      I completely agree that tape reading is an effective way forward, back testing is better but I understand there are limitations with the MK to enable this to happen.
      You cannot however tape read high time frames. If you could provide a 5 or maximum 15 min TF then maybe this would be better. Depends how often the broker feeds update I imagine. You need to be able to see stop and position bars come into the market in real time preferably ahead of price, the algo uses time macros to change direction, it does not happen instantly when a large pool of orders are placed at a specific price point. Unless there is considerable delay from your broker feeds then there is no reason why the info is coming in so late. Think of it like a crossroads, small sections of accumulation (pauses) happen when calculations are made as to which direction holds the most Liquidity.
      You seem to forget that your the one that created this so you know it inside out, your previous message reels of a load of information that will mean nothing to anyone but you because it has not been explained in detail anywhere previously. We cannot read your mind. It has to be set out logically and methodically for someone else to follow.
      This is all I can say. Really hope you find away to make the improvements needed. I wish you nothing but the best.

    • #62693

      Hi Jamie,

      I believe that you will be happy with the MK web v11. I will try to take some of the things onboard. Maybe this will help you.
      Also note that DM switches do not happen that often. Last week in GU for example we had like 3 within a few days, that is quite unusual.
      You see the info live via the MK web. You always know where you are on the “net DM scale”. Always consider the higher time frames as well, if you are not sure.
      In case you want to post any failed trades, I am more than happy to analyze what the issue was. It could be that either there is a certain topic you have not taken into account or sth. else.

      All the best,

    • #62694
      Admin SME

      We let you know once the MK web v11 is online.

      SME FX

    • #62755

      Djamal , is it possible to get a short video explaining the scales on each time frame ? thx

    • #62758
      Admin SME

      Hi AJ,

      ok, we will add this to Djamal’s todo list.

      SME FX

    • #62785

      Hi AJ,

      ok, we will add this to Djamal’s todo list.

      SME FX

      thanks so much ! happy day 🙂

    • #62821
      Admin SME

      We now increased the resolution of all H1 charts as a test,
      if it will look better than before, we will apply that to all charts.

      the MK web v11 will entail quite some changes, any updates before were rather minor in comparison.
      We will post a list of all the changes once it was implemented (maybe as soon as this week).

      We hope you gonna like it.
      SME FX

    • #64877
      Taha Nasser

      Dear Djamal,

      I was wondering if you’d be able to include the DM median lines on all 30m charts – I notice they are missing for some of the charts. And ideally on the 1H charts too.

      I find these are very useful as true S/R


    • #64887
      Admin SME

      Hi Taher,

      thank you,
      let’s see what we can do.

      SME FX

    • #65055
      Admin SME

      The medians have been added to the H1 (in less pronounced colour).

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