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Beginner Videos

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    • #44070

      Hello. I’m a new subscriber and i’m trying to locate beginner videos that explain the indicators provided on the MK Livestream. It seems many of the videos presume knowledge of how the indicators work and what they are showing, so just looking for some basic beginner training videos in this area? Any suggestions much appreciated. Thank you!

    • #44102
      Admin SME

      Hello Implied,

      yes sure,
      Djamal normally recommends to:

      – first watch the educational videos on the yt channel
      – then to watch some of the live trades
      – then to watch the video course (for the meta levels)
      – then to subscribe to the MK web (charts)
      – then to trade there on demo
      – then to go live (once everything works for you).

      Also, Djamal will soon make a new orientation video. However, here you can get started:

    • #44103
      Admin SME

      Start with this playlist:

    • #44105

      Thank you very much! I appreciate it!

    • #44304
      Admin SME

      Also, there are now new “orientation videos” on the channel.
      These should give you some proper guidance.

      All the best,
      SME FX

    • #44922
      Taha Nasser

      Hello admin

      I’d like to point out that the following two videos in the exclusive course are not working correctly (both stop shortly after they begin)

      1. Concluding remarks, FX and beyond,
      2. Bonus Material, DM tolerance & Sticky DM


    • #45291
      Admin SME

      Hi Taha,

      the concluding remarks were posted here (because of that issue):

      The second one will be fixed.
      Also note that in the future, some more videos will be added to the course at no additional charge.

      All the best,
      SME FX

    • #45375
      Taha Nasser


      I look forward to watching that second video and future videos also.

    • #45468
      Admin SME

      Thanks Taha.

      The following decision was made today;
      Djamal will add several new videos to the course (within the next weeks), however,
      once that happened, the price will increase to around GBP 95.
      However, all current clients will have access to the new videos at no additional costs (!).

      All new clients who bought the course before the new videos will be added, will also be able to see them at no additional cost.
      Only clients who buy the course after the additions will need to pay the new one-time price of GBP 95.
      So right now is like a Black Friday sale. 😉

      SME FX

    • #47402
      Taha Nasser

      Hi Georgina

      just wondering if there was any update re. reuploading the video ‘. Bonus Material, DM tolerance & Sticky DM’.

      I’m absolutely loving the information and frankly, cannot get enough of it!

    • #47403
      Taha Nasser

      Hi Georgina

      just wondering if there was any update re. reuploading the video ‘ Bonus Material, DM tolerance & Sticky DM’.

      I’m absolutely loving the information and frankly, cannot get enough of it!

    • #47468

      Hi. Not sure if this is only on my end, but the DM Tolerance/Sticky DM Bonus video continually plays until about the 12:30 min mark and then stops. Thanks!

    • #47517
      Admin SME

      Hi everyone,

      yes, Djamal is working on these things.
      It will take several weeks.
      Did you study all the other videos already?

      SME FX

    • #47606

      Yes, plenty others to watch/study. Just a heads up. No worries!

    • #48157
      Taha Nasser

      Hi everyone,

      yes, Djamal is working on these things.
      It will take several weeks.
      Did you study all the other videos already?

      SME FX

      I have! I’m very impressed with Djamal’s understanding. It has completely changed the course of my trading.

      I want all the knowledge and information I can possibly gain from him. I have traded several years with the knowledge that there is an algo, and I have documented around 2000 price action tendencies of this algorithm – would be happy to share this knowledge with Djamal also.

      I look forward to seeing these remaining videos – especially since DM tolerance is something I’m very curious about understanding deeply.


    • #48348
      Admin SME

      Nice one Taha,

      stay on the path.

      The MK is the only approach which is always valid, no matter what mode the market is in.

      SME FX

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