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Suggestion. Discord group for Subscribers?

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    • #47222

      Although I am sure that there are a solid core of MK subscribers, this forum is not very active….and it is rather clunky…and it is quite slow…which makes it off-putting to use and post ideas on…which in turn leads to it being less active.

      A Discord group for subscribers would fix this.


      Totally Free.

      Alt-Shift-S > Ctrl V into Discord channel, and u have immediate screenshots.

      A faster snappier platform would encourage community participation, and I know there will be a handful of others like myself, who are recent subscribers to MK, who will have an appetite for discussion and exchange of knowledge and ideas on the indicator.

    • #47230
      Thuy Pham

      We can create a group ourselves. Or a Telegram group, not sure which is better

    • #47233
      Admin SME

      Dear Members,

      as you can see from the Disclaimer and CA, it is not allowed to create such a group. There is a chat on the MK livestream (via Teamviewer).
      Note that the MK livestream is not offered anymore.
      However, the ones who are interested can send an Email with the header “livestream” and get access codes, if they are already MK web subscribers.

      SME FX

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