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FAO: Support. Perma GMT Error on Daily

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    • #47026

      Not sure what a GMT Error is, but could these scribbles saying ‘GMT ERROR’ be somehow removed from the business end of every single Daily MK-Indicator chart?

      (stick the error messages to the left of the chart?)

    • #47426

      The first screenshot shows the EURUSD 30 min with a grid showing more detailed price increments. This is a great idea. But EURUSD is the only 30 minute chart that has this applied it.

      Also, as per the first post, on the Daily Charts of all the pairs (except for AUDUSD), GMT DATA ERROR messages are printing on top of the business end of the DM net position lines.

      Djamal runs all this on ESignal, right?

      Fixing these things are just a few mouse clicks away.

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