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Relation between Position Amount and Position Size

How the Smart Money manipulates the market Forums Commercial Relation between Position Amount and Position Size

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    • #39310

        A big thanks to Djamal for your hard selfless work wich realy help me a lot.

        I noticed the pos size indi give a notice before the pos amount indi on whats to come. I mean just becuse there is a lot of trades does’nt meant ther’s lots of lot size. So from SMC algo point of view I think there more intrested in size than amount of trades.
        If you have the time mayby you can give your take on the reading of Position Amount and Size indis.

      • #39880
        Admin SME

          Hello BullFX,

          are you referring to PositionAmount vs PositionVolume?

          Thank you,.
          SME FX

          • #39928

              Yes, I refered to PositionsAmount and PositionsVolume.

              I tried to edit my post but manage only to create a second one. Mayby someone can remove the duplicate.

          • #40425
            Admin SME

              Sure BullFX,

              so PositionsAmount shows you the actual DM positions.

              PositionsVolume shows you in addition over-leveraged DM positions. Often, these are taken out with a “quick” countermove by the SM Algos. Whenever both, PositionsAmount and PositionsVolume are on the same side, this could be a basis for predicting a countermove by the SM.

              SME FX

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