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How often does the orderbook data update

How the Smart Money manipulates the market Forums Commercial How often does the orderbook data update

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    • #38185

        Hi, I read somewere that orderbokk data is published every 22 minutes and I was wonder how often the data for DM trades are updated? As I understand it the stop loss are being updated instantly.

      • #38208
        Admin SME

          Yes, our data is live,
          meaning that almost all the info shown is live. Sometimes there is a small data delay, in that case you see the “data delay: x seconds” line in red on the lower histograms.
          Usually that one is only there for a few seconds max.

          SME FX

        • #39138
          Peter Tree


            I would like to ask, how does data delay work?
            For example, are these numbers minutes, or hours, or corresponding with timeframe?
            M30 data delay 121?
            H1 data delay 238?
            H4 data delay 88?
            D1 data delay 68?

          • #39239
            Admin SME

              Hi Peter,

              on all the time frames the delay is shown in seconds.
              So “88” is 1 minutes and 28 seconds etc.

              SME FX

            • #39240
              Admin SME

                So, for example now, no delay:

              • #39242
                Admin SME

                  However, if one of the “GMT ok” turns into a red number (i.e. “50”), it means that there is a delay of 50 seconds.

                  When it shows “ok” again, there is no delay.

                  Delays are not there often. Only there is crowding because of too much data flow.

                  We added that function to also make sure that the charts update as they should.

                  SME FX

                • #39268
                  Peter Tree

                    Thank you for the replies, well explained!

                  • #39882
                    Admin SME

                      Welcome, Peter.

                      SME FX

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